Important:Read this manual and all labels carefully beforeoperating your powder actuated tool. This manualshould always accompany the tool and be tran
10105635YELLOW?GREEN?RED?POWDERLOADSONLY482-57Safety Precautions123456789101112122LEKCINBRASS482-54CALIBERNOTE:Failure to start withthe lowest powerle
11105635482-59G 018Safety Precautions6. Power fasteners are a permanently installed fixture. An act of demolition isrequired for their removal. Approp
12105635Why A Power Fastener HoldsWHY A POWER FASTENER HOLDSIN CONCRETEThe compression bond of the concrete to the powerfastener accounts for the majo
13105635482-67OVERDRIVEG 018Selecting Power Fastenersand Power loadsFASTENING INTO CONCRETEThe proper power fastener length can be determined byadding
14105635Operation1. Grasp barrel assembly and slide forward rapidly until it stops. Push barrelassembly back into tool to the closed position. This se
15105635Operation5. Squeeze trigger to set power fastener. Be sure to keep pressure on tool duringthis operation.7. Should the tool fail to fire, hold
16105635Parts List 496Key PartNo. No. Description Qty.1 502001 Housing 12 502100 Outer Liner Assembly 13 501104 Push Pin 14 301013 Ball Setter 25 5011
17105635Cleaning and MaintenanceClean tool after each days use. Disassemble and clean the barrel assembly with thewire brush provided with tool. Notic
18105635Tool DisassemblyFigure 2 - Removing StopStopA. REMOVING BARREL ASSEMBLY1. Using screwdriver, lift end of annular spring and rotate spring unti
191056356. Remove piston assembly from barrel (see Figure 4).B. REMOVING REAR PAD AND HANDLE PAD ASSEMBLY1. Loosen screws on back of handle pad assemb
2105635INDEXWarning: Safety Precautions... 3-11Why A Fastener Holds ...
20105635D. REMOVING FIRING PIN1. Remove two springs from outer liner assembly (see Figure 8).2. Push in sear and pull out firing pin guide (see Figure
21105635Tool AssemblyWARNING: Always unload a powder actuated tool before disassembling,replacing barrel, cleaning, or assembling.A. INSERTING OUTER L
22105635F. ASSEMBLING BARREL ASSEMBLY1. Insert piston assembly into barrel (see Figure 17).PistonBarrelFigure 17 - Inserting Piston in Barrel2. Insert
231056355. Insert stop into slot on outer liner assembly (see Figure 19).StopFigure 19 - Replacing StopOuter Liner Assembly6. Push stop towards front
24105635Troubleshooting GuidePiston hangs outof muzzle.Overdrivenfastener.Piston jammed.Power load strip willnot advance.Reduction or lossof power.Too
25105635Parts CentralsContact authorized dealers of this product. If they can’t supply original replace-ment part(s), either contact your nearest Part
26105635Application Chart2 1/2"2 1/2"2"1 1/2"1 1/2"1 1/2"1"1"1"to thisConcreteCement BlockSteel (3/16&quo
27105635Maintenance LogDate Maintenance Performed
Limited Warranty AgreementDESA International warrants the Remington Power Pro Model 496 against defectsin materials and workmanship for a period of o
3105635G 018Warning: Safety PrecautionsIMPORTANT: Read these operating instructions carefully and com-pletely before trying to operate or service this
4105635482-12G 018Safety PrecautionsPOWDERACTUATEDTOOLSIN USEWARNING482-10!4. Always clear the work area on all sides and post appropriate warning sig
5105635G 018G 018G 018G 018Safety Precautions4. Never carry or pass a loaded powder actuated tool. Never point a powderactuated tool at anyone.3. Stor
6105635TOO HARDPointflattens482-29TOO BRITTLESurfaceshatters482-30TOO SOFTSinks inwithaveragehammerblow482-28???G 018G 018G 018G 018Safety Precautions
7105635TILEBRICK482-33CAST IRON GLASSG 018G 018G 018G 018G 018Safety Precautions3. Never make fastenings in spalled or cracked areas.2. Never attempt
8105635TOO THINWELD482-40G 0183/16" MIN1/2"1"482-41Safety Precautions7. Do not drive power fasteners into steel base material less then
9105635POWERLOADSPOWERLOADSGASOLINEGASOLINE482-50482-49G 018G 018G 018G 018G 018Safety Precautions2. Should the tool fail to fire, hold the muzzle fir
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